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Elon Musk reports that while X/Twitter receives more organic traffic than Facebook and Instagram, it generates less revenue from ads

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    elon muskElon Musk. (File Image)

    Elon Musk, owner and CTO of X, formerly Twitter just posted an image on X, which indicates that X has higher organic traffic when compared to Facebook and Instagram. The post also highlights the fact that, despite the higher organic traffic, X has very little paid traffic with a lower paid topic price.

    According to the image shared by Elon, in November 2023 in the US, X on the desktop has an SE traffic (organic traffic driven by Google) of 650.9 million, whereas Meta’s Facebook and Instagram have 520.7 million, and 496.5 million. Similarly, X just has 1.1K (1100) paid traffic, while Instagram and Facebook have 99.9K and 708.4K paid traffic. The same also goes for the mobile traffic, where, X is ahead of Meta’s social media platforms in terms of organic traffic.


    — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 4, 2023

    Even when it comes to revenue from these paid users, X has a paid traffic price of 14.3K USD while Instagram and Facebook have 105.4K and 1.1 million USD. Big advertisers are moving away from X/Twitter due to Elon Musk’s Antisemitic comments on the platform.

    Companies like Disney, IBM, Warner Bros, and Discovery have withdrawn their paid ad campaigns on the platform, and since then, Elon Musk has been vocal about this development and has commented at The New York Times DealBook Summit. “I don’t want them to advertise.”  “If someone is going to blackmail me with advertising money, go f— yourself,”

    “What the advertising boycott is going to do is it’s going to kill the company,” Elon added. “The whole world will know that those advertisers killed the company and we will document it in great detail. Let’s see how Earth responds.”


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    Author: Randy Carlson

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    Name: Randy Carlson

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    Introduction: My name is Randy Carlson, I am a Determined, vivid, daring, dedicated, honest, spirited, tenacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.