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In this haunting new art, Supergirl confronts her own Kryptonite Weakness

In a terrifying Supergirl-centric cover for DC's "Knight Terrors" event, artist Mikel Janín pits the Girl of Steel against a cavern of kryptonite.

Supergirl Kryptonite Green

Warning: Potential SPOILERS for Knight Terrors: Superman #2The Girl of Steel battles a cavern of kryptonite in a new, haunting cover featuring Supergirl facing her one true weakness. DC has promised a summer of horror with the "Knight Terrors" event, and Supergirl is certainly feeling the terror.

Supergirl takes center stage in a new 1:25 ratio variant cover by Mikel Janín for Knight Terrors: Superman #2 by Joshua Williamson and Tom Reilly. Though Supergirl teams up with her cousin Superman in this horror-themed two-shot, this stunning variant cover sees Supergirl face her weakness alone. Kara has never looked more determined, despite her sick green glow, as she claws her way out of a kryptonite death trap. See the cover, as well as DC's full solicit for the issue, below:



  • Art by TOM REILLY
  • Cover by GLEB MELNIKOV
  • Variant covers by JON BOGDANOVE and JOHN GIANG
  • 1:25 variant cover by MIKEL JANÍN
  • 1:50 variant cover by PETE WOODS
  • $4.99 US | 32 pages | 2 of 2 | Variant $5.99 US (card stock)
  • ON SALE 8/15/23
  • In the terrifying Nightmare Realm, Superman and Supergirl search for answers and the rest of their family, but Superman is pulled into a haunted part of Metropolis’s past, where he learns more about Marilyn Moonlight! In the waking world, an unlikely DC superhero family works to save the world from the Sleepless Knights.

Supergirl's Strength Is Unmatched

Supergirl Red Kryptonite Pill Fire Powers

As of late, Supergirl has been joining forces with the larger Superman Family, who have all been showing a united front in the pages of Action Comics this year as part of the Dawn of DC storytelling initiative. Along with Superman, she has been shepherding the newest members of the team, the Super-Twins, through their first weeks on Earth—an experience she's deeply familiar with, seeing as she arrived on Earth as a teenager. Now, it looks like she'll be working with Superman in a slightly more horrific capacity as they both navigate the "Nightmare Realm" in this new two-shot miniseries as part of the Knight Terrors summer event.

Beyond being another stunning cover from Mikel Janín (the glowing colors alone are worth the price of admission), this Supergirl variant proves Kara's strength beyond a doubt—and not just her physical strength. It's hard to imagine Superman surviving the amount of kryptonite displayed on this cover, but Supergirl manages to claw her way through while staying conscious. Her stubborn, determined face says it all—only she has the mental fortitude to survive such a situation.

Though Supergirl doesn't currently have a solo series of her own, fans can see that fortitude on display in Action Comics and the upcoming Knight Terrors: Superman two-shot. Hopefully Kara will have a title of her own again before too long, especially with James Gunn's plans for a Supergirl movie. Supergirl fans know, after all, that she truly is one of the strongest characters in the DC Universe. No amount of kryptonite could hold her back.

Knight Terrors: Superman #2 will be available August 15 from DC Comics!


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Author: Julie Daniel

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Name: Julie Daniel

Birthday: 1909-10-12

Address: 178 Darlene Pass, Floresland, GA 91212

Phone: +4256119013339724

Job: Flight Attendant

Hobby: Pottery, Animation, Meditation, Card Collecting, Skiing, Card Games, Stargazing

Introduction: My name is Julie Daniel, I am a proficient, bold, apt, important, ingenious, persistent, capable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.