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earning $133 million annually as a dog groomer

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    How I Made It

    Gabriel Feitosa, 31, brought in $1.3 million in 2022 with his business as a dog grooming artist. He is the owner of Gabriel Feitosa Grooming Salon based in San Diego, California. Originally hailing from São Paulo, Brazil, Gabriel is known for transforming dogs into everything from giraffes and leopards, to Pokémon and Lisa Frank-inspired animals.


    Fri, Jun 16 20239:32 AM EDT

    Tasia Jensen

    Elham Ataeiazar


    Article information

    Author: Jordan Torres

    Last Updated: 1702278242

    Views: 1191

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (95 voted)

    Reviews: 98% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Jordan Torres

    Birthday: 1912-04-23

    Address: 373 Brandon Route Suite 716, Dunnshire, PA 86317

    Phone: +4458939238183403

    Job: Psychologist

    Hobby: Juggling, Geocaching, Archery, Wildlife Photography, Rock Climbing, Stargazing, Ice Skating

    Introduction: My name is Jordan Torres, I am a resolute, frank, clever, unwavering, valuable, important, risk-taking person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.